Monday, June 8, 2009

Ignorance. and bliss.

Ignorance is indeed bliss.. it is smth i had always believed, lived by and even up till now still strongly hold true for me. however, there might be some misconceptions about ignorance which i need to clear up, to myself because sometimes i get confused myself.

Ignorance is only bliss when u are totally ignorant- not half ignorant, not a quarter, or not even a drop/pinch/tinge/whatever it is quantified as. Because when u are not totally ignorant, it means that u become aware of soemthing which jut means to say that if u want to be blissful, u need to feign ignorance, which is very much equivalent to self-deceit. And much as many may wan to be blissful and hence ignorant, they cannot do so- self deceit is not such a feat. trust me. it is at the other extreme of brushing off a lie as a white lie, although they are all deception.

great. halfway to the truth or knowing the whole truth really doesnt make much difference. the truth hurts, in whichever way u try to look at things. it reli hurts.

Friday, May 1, 2009


When people ask me now if i still love him, my answer would simply be i know longer know whats love.. yet maybe love is him. because all these while my definitions of love changed so often and i know that it was because i love him.

I'm trying to recall what i used to define love in the past.. and i know that my memory is failing me, but i will give it a shot:

1) Love is just a feeling. When you love someone, there is no reason, no explanations.

2) Love is giving/ sacrificing without feeling that you are comprimising. You give up something you want willingly. Yes, there are the quarrels but at the end of the day, despite not having a sound reason, u give up things, and yet you are still happy.

3) Love is selfish. When you want to possess the person, when u didn't want to share it with others, when u wanted the whole of the other.

4) Love is generous. When you would spurlge on flowers for her even though you are broke.

5) Love is when you spend so much time together, and still have endless things to talk about. And you still miss the other even though he's just next to you.

6) Love is when u suddenly realise that you cannot live without the other. When you want to spend the rest of ur life with the other.

7) Love is about finding all the good things in the person. It is abou praising about him to your friends, and in your heart you know that you have found the perfect man and that you are envious of no other relationship.

8) Love is when you just want to surprise and do sweet things for the other. Just to see that smile on his face.

9) Love is when u get so angry at times and yet it hurts that you are quarreling.

10) Love is when you want the moment to stop, just stand still when things seemed so perfect.

11) Love is when having him is more than enough.

12) Love is when you watch him sleep, stroke his hair, and think to yourself that he's so beautiful, and what would u do without him.

13) Love is when you rather die before the other because u cannot imagine life with him.

14) Love is when you see something different on the way to school and you tell him about it. When you just unconsciously tells him everything that is going on in your life.

15) Love is when you just wan to be close to the person always. Holding hands on the streets, hugs and kisses along the way, and u wan to make out when opportunity arises.

16) Love is when you love what the other loves. And slowly you see that the two of you are becoming similar.. in the way we react, we see things, we do things.

17) Love is when you can look at each other without saying a thing and you know what each other is thinking. Or when you can have the comfortable silence and be connected in some special way.

18) Love is never about letting go. To love is when you want to keep trying and never giving up.

19) This is the saddest but true. Love is hate. It is the saddest when you only know that you still love the person because you hate him.

20) And perhaps this is last. Love is when you no longer know what love is and yet you still want to hang on.

I guess there is really no definition of love. That perhaps it is just another emotion, or perhaps it is a person. That maybe he is love. and that my definition changes the way things changes between us.

Friday, April 17, 2009

the truth..


why do people always seek the truth when the truth actually hurts? when sometimes, the truth doesnt reli matter, when sometimes we know we can't accept the truth, when most of the time the truth really hurts.

all along, i used to think ignorance is bliss. even till now i feel the same. you may call it self- denial, but will knowing the truth make things better? will knowing the truth change anything that has happened? white lies are called white lies for a reason, and despite the fact that no one wants to be cheated and then be told it is a white lie, it is inexcusable sometimes that we ourselves bury ourselves in white lies, and off-handly gives a thousand and one reasons why we told the white lie.

yes, i am guilty of it. of the fact that i sometimes tell a white lie, and yet when someone does it to me, i simply cannot accept it. call it having double standards, but life was never fair to begin with.

heck. i just wish that the inner voyeur in me will disappear soon. den maybe i can be happier.